It is rainy here at ARI and the trees are dripping water. This morning I was going to try to travel to Utsunomya to the Anglican Church (a 40 minute train ride, and the closes to ARI.) I could not find the directions and I was running late so it was suggested that I wait until next week. Instead I spent some time with my BCP and went searching for sermons from familiar priests online. I settled on a sermon by Father Mike formerly of San Angelo and currently located in Arizona. He used a story about his daughter's early arrival into this world to discuss preparedness and the coming of Advent, very nice. I then found a podcast that my good friend Ryan Kuratko was involved with, it was a post from December last year but it was great to hear his thoughts on Mary's reaction to the news that she would have a baby. These words of wisdom, coupled with a conversation with my roommate about church and community, were very comforting to a young Texan so far from home.
This afternoon we went rambling through the woods around ARI and into town because it was too wet for bikes. I found an old logging road and followed it up into the hills. I decided to take a non-path back and spent some time bushwhacking my way to civilization. It reminded me of my time in British Columbia and my heart was happy. I have been doing some personal study on simplicity and attitudes we can adapt for our life that will help us be more aware of our connection wide web of nature. It has been an enlightening mental journey and I have been able to evaluate my natural patterns and perceptions of life from a distance. I am learning a lot about my life and how I want to fit into this world. One of the books I am reading was published a few decades ago, but its discssions are very relevant to todays issues. It is called Small is Beautiful by E.F. Schumacher, a study of economics as if people mattered. It talks about our recent engrained acceptance of greed and jealousy as nescessary components of a "healthy economic system," and the current assumption that unlimited growth is possible in a finite world. Heavy implications but the alternatives he brings up are enlightened and promising.
Because the participants were gone for two weeks I got to spend a lot of time in the kitchen "training" for the winter when we would have to cook more often. This weekend I introduced several of the community member to the now world famous Heavy Cake. Of course as luck would have it I burned the whole thing by putting too much trust in the oven. After some doctoring and a heavy dose of icing we salvaged most of the cake. One of the volunteers was so impressed he thought the burned layer was actually a third type of chocolate. Good times. Last night I made southern style biscuits from the Perini cookbook and they went over very well with scrambled eggs. I am making my way through the kitchen and learning a lot of the standard dishes, mainly miso soup, scrambled eggs, sauteed veggies, and rice. I have gotten some good response and mild acceptance, so I consider it an overall success. Food is obviously a big part of our lives here so it is fun to be involved in all aspects of the process.
Last week, after some consultation, we decided we should put up a rope swing. In keeping with the Austin Greenbelt style my roommate and I decided it should be over a drop so you could really get the feeling of air under your feet. So we found a good sturdy tree overhanging a hill, and in less than half of an hour we had a very sturdy swing set up. We have only used it a few times and gotten a weary acceptance by the staff. Now that the participants are back we will see how it goes, I think they will enjoy it as much as I do.
Faith is a funny thing here. ARI is built and largely funded by religious groups. Every day we pray before meals and in the mornings, there is a very boisterous prayer group on Monday nights, and a shuttle to churches close by on Sundays. Most of the participants have faith traditions, some more fundamental than others. My peers, the volunteers, are a typical young adult crowd with mixed opinions and hesitant affiliations. It is fun to discuss religion and ideas of faith with the community members. We have a variety of opinions and experiences. I have shared when asked and tried to keep my mouth shut re it was prudent. It is sometimes difficult to feel like a missionary in this dormitory environment, and I often find myself saying "ok I am here, tell me what you want now." As could be expected the answer is hard to discern and mostly interpreted as love your neighbor and try to be nice. So here I sit, thousands of miles from home with with my veggies and chickens, doing what I can. I can only trust that I am supposed to be here and that by living my life and sharing it with others, I will contribute something to the lives of those that I encounter.
I hope you are all well, and that your lives are full of joy and good food. Peace Love and Merriment.
Sounds like fun times. Remember though, that you mission is not really evangelism but loving and helping those who need love and help (which is everyone :)). You job is not to transform but to be transformed.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
-- St Francis.
Hello dear friend!!! I just recently heard from Daniel Brown that you have a blog- I love hearing of your adventures! Well today I was driving back from Houston and I had a lot of time to think about things & people, you happened to be one of the people upon whom my thoughts landed. It sounds so like so much fun that you are getting to participate in the cooking & in the "camp fire" singing circles. This was really just a quick hello letting you know that we are all still thinking about you (I spent the night & Susan & Will's on friday & we chatted about you). () <-- consider that a real hug!
Actually Mike it's MoM- borrowing your Dad's computer. Once I scorched a pineapple upside down cake and the Mayorgas told me that scorched sugar was a delicacy in China. Friends are a great comfort when working with food.(-: I made chicken and dumplings this weekend and thought of you kids. We miss you but are so excited about your adventures. I have to go to BOB's tomorrow so I dont have much to say except Lola and I bonded today, I took my book and tea and we ran the engine for 15 minutes then went around the block a few times. She misses you but accepted my hackneyed standard driving skills. Thought a lot about you and Oree.
Sweet dreams the next time you go to bed.
Love MoM
sounds like a real great time mike.
keep with that cooking its an art.
hope life is treating you well friend.
have you tried sitting still for eight minutes with your eyes closed? one 'message' that stuck with me after everyone, everywhere was when you go as a missionary, go with as few expectations/preconceived notions about what you are supposed to be doing as possible because it makes it more difficult to actually be where you are and help in ways that just come. it seems so long as we are doing the best we can, with what we have and where we are, that is enough and this can be something as simple as loving. everyone needs love.
you'll probably be the one in the kitchen at the next yasc retreat makin' your fancy cakes which might beat those chocolate chip cookies someone made last time.
MIke- I read your latest post to your grandmother and then she read it for herself- she laughed most of the way through it. She was delighted at your description of the cake experiment. She did receive your letter but cannot find it now. However she enjoyed it.
You gave her joy.
Love MoM
Your assignment sounds really interesting Mike! Thanks for sharing. By the way, this is one of my favorite lines: So here I sit, thousands of miles from home with with my veggies and chickens, doing what I can. I can just hear you saying that and it reminds me of our time at Mt. Manresa. Those were the days!
Take care,
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