
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The 5 Minute Talk: Bread

Thank you Alex for requesting this one. I apologize to those of you who actually enjoy my rambling, the internet and I have been in negotiations for some time about uploads but we have it worked out so hopefully I can add more soon.

These first few talks are warm-ups for me and I hope to increase quality and content as I move along. The rules are simple, one subject, 5 minutes, you can request subjects through comments on the blog, the video, or through hand written letters (thanks Hannah) my address is posted to the right of the screen.

Peace and Love,



Anonymous said...

I am the student from Hong Kong, and I am interesting in your 5 Minute talk. Do you have any transcript of your talk, that is "The 5 Minute Talk: Community", can we contact by e-mail?

Anonymous said...

sweet talk about bread. the only bread i have made so far is beer bread, but your talk has inspired me to expand my horizons. alex makes some mean bread. she and i will be cohabiting next semester. it is currently 12:19 and i have yet to start on my midterm due tomorrow at 11...wuh whoa! and i am a little bit disappointed that i did not use proper capitalization on this comment. ah well. next time. i am glad my letter made it to you safely!
sending peace and love your way,

Piapi said...

Buenos días Mike!
Loved your talk. Is anybody baking bread these days? Ganbare, still a lot of raisins in the kitchen I am sure.
I found there are some nice organic bakeries in barcelona. Love them but they are not close to my house.
Oh, is that Bruni you were listening?
Take care!

Anonymous said...

my current favorite is a large loaf of honey wheat rolled out and then adda a layer of walnuts and figs and cinnimon and then roll it up, let it rise again and bake. so delicious.
thank you for this talk it is close to my heart. and i definatly now want to try the backpacking breadness, you will have to give me more details on this, yes?
you are wonderful. martha is at the NOC right now, i am glad we are friends : ]


auuudra said...

this is a topic close to my heart. bread making, baking in general but especially bread making. to watch/hear you talk about it brought back memories of the joy of bread making. it's one of those things in life that feeds my soul. thanks for sharing with your five minute talks.

SpiritLightMyFire-Colombia said...

I am glad Audra has seen this clip, I get to benifit from her backing...jejeje. Hey would you give a talk about rice. My body dosn't like wheat so much, so I look for flour alternativs to make bread. Oh, yeah the rice: specifically, I have been wondering and a bit anoyed at why the vast majority of the world eats white rice, which is when the bran is taken off (I think). This would seem like more work for less of a nutritional result. Whole grain, or brown rice is actually very nutrisious, but once that brown part is removed it sugar/starch. The same fenominon occured with wheat. When did this occure, and who in the world thought it was a good idea. I recall something about aristocrates having this white bread and then the masses wanted what they had. Anyway my request for a five-minuet talk is rice.